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Radio-Frequency EMF Meters

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Radio-frequency EMF is produced by all transmitters of radio signals. This includes transmitters outside of the home, and some inside.

Outside the home are TV station and radio antennae, mobile phone masts, and radar transmitters (at airports and some military installations), to name a few.

Inside the home are wi-fi routers and other wi-fi devices, computers, electronic pads, mobile phones, cordless devices such as phones and baby monitors, wireless burglar alarm components, wireless heating control units, microwave ovens, smart TV units and smart meters – to name a few.

Radio-frequency EMF has been associated in numerous studies with many biological effects and health issues. Most of us are exposed to ever-increasing EMF levels, so we believe that it makes a lot of sense for everyone to monitor the level of their exposure, and possibly take action to reduce it.

A good radio-frequency EMF meter thus becomes a basic necessity. With its help, most people can find various ways to reduce their exposure, and that of their family.

Don’t confuse radio-frequency EMF with low-frequency EMF. These are two entirely different kinds of radiation. Good radio-frequency EMF meters tend to be expensive, unfortunately.

The best meters are what is known as triple-axis. They measure the EMF in three different planes at the same time, and sum those components into a single measurement. It saves you having to do it manually, as you would with a single-axis meter, which just measures the radiation in one plane.

But most triple-axis meters allow you to operate the meter in one plane as well, which can be useful when you are trying to locate an EMF source. (Point the meter, and see which direction gives the highest reading.)

Some meters are more sensitive than others. A more sensitive meter will be able to detect a lower level of radiation – nice to have, but not essential if you are just trying to reduce very high EMF levels to something less extreme.

When comparing the specifications of various meters, bear in mind that they may all be using different units of measurement (e.g. mV/m or V/m or uW/m2 or mW/m2 or W/m2 or mW/cm2 or uW/cm2 or nW/cm2) Some of these units result in measurement values with lots of decimals, which may make them harder to understand.

I prefer mV/m or uW/m2. Many meters allow you to choose the measurement unit. Make sure you know what units you are using when making comparisons.

In general, radio-frequency EMF meters are somewhat harder to use than low-frequency EMF meters, and it helps if you are technically minded.

Here are some of the meters which seem to offer good features at reasonable value.

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If in UK, and the product is available there, you will be directed to Amazon.co.uk

If in UK, and the product is available there, you will be directed to Amazon.co.uk

If in UK, and the product is available there, you will be directed to Amazon.co.uk

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January 15, 2020 | By | Reply More

Low-frequency EMF Meters

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect the price you pay.

Low-frequency EMF refers to the very bottom end of the electromagnetic spectrum, well below radio frequencies.

In our daily lives, low-frequency EMF is very pervasive, for one reason: our mains electric power falls within this range, with a frequency of 50 or 60 cycles per second (depending on country).

Low-frequency EMF has one peculiar quality: the magnetic portion and the electrical portion behave differently, and can be measured separately.

Some EMF meters measure both magnetic and electrical fields, others just measure the magnetic field. The latter are sometimes called Gaussmeters, because Gauss is one unit of measure for magnetic fields. (The other unit is Tesla.)

The magnetic field is thought to have more relevance for our health because it is capable of penetrating a person’s body, whereas the electric field has no penetrating power.

Low-frequency magnetic fields will pass through just about anything, including rock, concrete, brick walls and steel, so they have no trouble going through a human body – bones and all.

There are a number of very cheap meters in this category, but their sensitivity is usually poor, and accuracy may not be great either.

We have selected a few that we think are of good quality, and in the case of the Tenmars TM-192, we have used this meter for professional work and can recommend it.

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If in UK, and the product is available there, you will be directed to Amazon.co.uk

If in UK, and the product is available there, you will be directed to Amazon.co.uk

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January 15, 2020 | By | 1 Reply More

Cellphone Protection Pouch

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect the price you pay.

A Cellphone Protection Pouch is great if you like to carry your cellphone in your pocket, like I usually do.

Cellphones communicate frequently with the nearest mast, even when you are not using the phone. This creates an EMF from your phone which travels in all directions, including through your body.

Not all pouches work in the same way. The ones I prefer shield you from most of your cellphone’s radiation while you are carrying it, but you can still receive calls and messages. As long as the phone is in the pouch, its radiation only travels away from your body, not towards it.

Some pouches offer the option, either to screen radiation in all directions (phone will not work) or just shield your body from the phone’s radiation (phone is still able to receive and transmit).

These pouches have two compartments, and you can carry your cellphone in either one. In the inner compartment, the cellphone is surrounded by radiation screening material, so no signal reaches the phone or escapes from it. This means your phone can’t receive messages or calls. (It may try to transmit, but the radio signals won’t escape the pouch.)

But when in the outer compartment, your cellphone is screened on only one side – the side next to your body. Now the phone can still receive and transmit via the unshielded side of the pouch. So your cellphone is still functioning, but you can carry it safely. You can answer calls as usual, just slide the phone out from the pouch first.

There are several varieties to choose from. Here are some of the ones we like best.

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If in UK, you will be directed to Amazon.co.uk

If in UK, you will be directed to Amazon.co.uk

If in UK, you will be directed to Amazon.co.uk

Pocket Pouches Protect People!

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January 14, 2020 | By | Reply More

Radiation Screen Wall Covering

[azon_profit_poster HNG80-Radiation-Shield-Wallpaper]

Our comments:

You could use this product like wallpaper to screen radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation. Get an expert to hang it for you if you haven’t hung wallpaper before – it’s not as easy as it looks!

Claimed attenuation is a very high 80 dB at 1 GHz – other radio-frequencies are not specified but will probably be similar.

No customer reviews on Amazon at time of writing, but the Amazon description implies a high-quality item.

The product is sold on Amazon in various shorter lengths, too.

Suppliers suggest using a special dispersion glue called DKL90 to attach the product to the wall. This glue does not appear to be carried by Amazon.

You would probably only consider hanging this on the inside of a wall, because it would not be weatherproof. Also it might not look very good in your lounge – so perhaps you could hang a more decorative wallpaper on top of it.

What I know about decorating is dangerous, so you might want to consult a decorating expert, unless you are one!



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November 7, 2014 | By | Reply More